Happy New Year—2018 is going to rock! I am manifesting, accepting, and allowing all that is—BE! Tehehe! I just took 18 days off and worked my butt off. Funny that my sister posted on Facebook that she took the week off and had high aspirations and did nothing. I seriously think we were raised in two separate families. I, on the other hand, am floating into the New Year, with a very clean and organized house, a rested and focused mind, and high aspirations of what is coming! Which leads us to the Flower Fairy Card of the Week—Allow! I’ve set some very lofty goals for the upcoming year because I believe in setting the intention helps us work towards them. I also should probably mention that I have all my New Year’s goals from 2004 on within easy reach. By easy reach, I mean in my desk in the other room. It’s entertaining to pull them out and review and reflect. Some I even cross off the list because I’ve accomplished it while others give me an interesting perspective on where I was emotionally, mentally, and spiritually at that time. My most recent encounter with allowing goes as such…I was making business goals, setting my intention, engaging spirit in how I want things to go. One of my goals is to work more with women in exploring their strengths and helping them grow. Two days later, life happened as it does, and I had to call my plumber. He proceeds to ask me about a yoga class for men, and would I be interested in teaching he and his friends. Well, sure! Spirit has a great way of reminding me that even when I tidy things so nicely and put a bow on it, it may not be what’s in my highest and best interest, and/or that I need to be open to allowing all that is, to happen. So my men’s class is starting next week! This is going to be a hoot! Namaste, Happy New Year, and remember to allow, allow, allow!!!