In honor of World Smile Day last Friday, the Flower Fairy Card of the week is…Communicate!!! I find it extremely humorous that the flower is the bleeding heart…and being in a career working with people and teaching them how to communicate, what are we called??? Bleeding hearts! Too funny!
So, what do I want to say about communication? Last week when I did my speech on positive thinking, it was the first time that I’ve communicated my message to a group of people…who I am, where I come from, and my belief of “Stop taking yourself so seriously because life is short, lighten up and enjoy it!” Well, in a nutshell anyway–it was much more eloquent than that! Growing up with parents who divorced because they “didn’t communicate”, I learned the importance of sharing your thoughts and feelings…and also that LISTENING is a huge factor in communication. After eighteen years of working with people on communication, I’ve concluded that there is two main ways that people process communication. If I ask a person to go to their closet and get a blue shirt, Type A person will go into their closet and bring out a blue shirt. Type B person will ask me what color blue, short sleeve or long sleeve, what am I wearing with it, under it, over it, where are we going and why do I have to wear blue??? Seriously, think of the people that you know–uh huh, I know I’m right [wink] ! And where does the breakdown in communication happen? Us Type B folks think Type A peeps think and process just like we do and vice versa, and that isn’t happening. What happens when one person’s blue shirt is actually green? Who’s right? Perception is a pain in the ass now, isn’t it? Especially when I know I’m right and you know you’re right. EEEK, what now??? When we seek to understand where the other person is coming from, communicate our truth, and listen to theirs, it makes communication maybe not easier, but a lot more effective. And just for the record, I’m an outlier…if I was told to get a blue shirt, I’d probably pick out a red dress to wear, cause I’m just like that…but I would talk about it [wink] !
On another note, Spirit continues to communicate with me through hearts. The day of my speech, I was changing my clothes, and there was a heart on the floor. Thank you for that vote of confidence when I was doubting myself! And then I went to put on my shoes…Gotta love Spirit!!!