Happy Happy Monday! The Flower Fairy card is very special this week–it was chosen by my niece, Mia, because it’s her birthday week! So, the Flower Fairy Card of the week is…..Creativity! Yeah!!! Ahhhh, creativity–for those that have souls who light up just thinking about doing something artsy-fartsy, this card is for us! My creativity started at a very young age–I wanted to learn to sew, everyone was busy, so I did my own thing and sewed a construction paper Smurf, complete with hole punches and white yarn. I still have it somewhere, tucked in with all my other artistic endeavors. It’s funny to me how some people dread doing anything artsy, even avoiding it–I truly don’t get it. But I also don’t get how some people love math!
My creativity today has taken me twice to two different stores, browsing the internet, and finding things that I know I’ll be able to use…some day. I have outgrown my art studio…or should I say, my creative endeavors needed more room. Ha! So now half of the basement is covered with projects and storage because I know someday I’ll use the 500 magazines I have saved! I exaggerate…well, maybe not. Tehehe! Actually, about two years ago, I was on a spring cleaning kick and deep cleaned the entire house (I was rockin it, let me tell ya!) and in my desk, I found a list of flowers and their meanings that I had done who knows when. Funny that flowers had sparked that interest way before I had even conjured up the idea of the flower fairy cards. I’ve already started a list of trees because that is my next deck. But, I also plan on making fairy wands and want to play with alcohol inks (and don’t get too excited, it’s not the drinking stuff folks!) and see what I can dream up there. Ohhhh, and my healing bench arrived from Ikea! I had my “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar!” moment when I put it together all by myself! Whoop-Whoop! And it’s currently patiently waiting in the garage until its paint dries and it can come in the house and be outfitted with a pillow (another project!). Along with rocks that are becoming ladybugs, and this, and that, and this, and that! Oh, what I would do with tons of time!
Back to the birthday girl–I love being creative with you, whether it be having a dance party in the basement, or making slime, or burning our fingers (ok, that wasn’t fun!) while making headdresses, and just being, hanging out in the creative space of the art room! I wish for you that the creative spark continue to be nurtured and loved as much as you are! Love you Peanut!