A Happy rainy Monday to you! Fall is definitely here, whether we like it or not! Our famous Wayne County Fair is going on this week, which is always a great kickoff to the Fall season. And of course, I always have to attend every day if possible. However, jumping right in to the Flower Fairies Card of the Week…da da dum…it’s Divine Order! Things happen as they are meant to happen…the universe continues to function daily. For me right now, the huge Divine Order is what am I eating at our fair? Pork loin sandwich, fair fries, lemonade, sweet corn, deep fried cookie dough, oh lordie, can’t forget the fried cheese or Lerch’s Donuts. Or the gyros and fried veggies….yum! The whole reason that I have to attend several times is just so I can fit all my favorite indulgences in…the big question is the Divine Order. Tehehe! Away from my fair gluttony and over indulged palette and onto a more serious and deep discussion about Divine Order, I went to Pittsburgh yesterday. We stopped in the pouring rain to see Randyland which I had heard about on Facebook. The colors were vibrant, and all the art going on drew me in. I loved it–a kindred art spirit that loves vibrant color. After meeting and talking to Randy, he shared that his mission has been to spread happiness. There’s something about people that have a mission in life, and set out to pursue it. There’s even more something about people who selflessly pursue their mission to help and inspire others. Wow! The trip to Randyland was inspiring, uplifting, and makes one wonder about their own “cause” in life. We are here for a purpose with things to accomplish on our soul path…do we listen to the call, or do we fight it? It was a good (jeez, auto correct just changed that to food!) time for me to be there and hear that message as I’m making choices and decisions about my future and how to listen to the calling of my soul. It’s not always easy, especially knowing that life may be very different if we listen and take heed of the call. There is a Divine Order in which things are to happen. I’m ready to continue on with my soul purpose and also share happiness and inspiration to others. Just as long as I don’t have to share my deep fried cookie dough, all will be well in the land. Tehehe! Have a great week everyone!