Hellooooo!!!! Happy Tuesday! I’m a day late this week due to circumstances beyond my control…well, sort of. I was in a six day training out of town, and when I got home last night, it was more important to get ice cream with my friend, snuggle with her dogs, and gossip, then it was to write my inner muse. It was well worth it by the way! I think I may have a slight addiction to Dairy Queen Mocha Moolattes. Anyway, I’m catching up on all my household chores and errands and getting back to the real world today. Since it’s time for the Flower Fairy Card of the Week, I chose this one because of all the inner work I’ve been doing the past two weeks. And that card is….Enlighten! According to Webster, enlighten is giving someone spiritual knowledge or insight. And these last two weeks for me? The weekend before last, I spent in silence at my meditation weekend. Ahhhhhhhh! I love it! And then two days later, I started my six day hypnosis training. I think my feet may eventually be lowering back to the ground here before too long. I hope my head follows pretty soon since I have to go back to work tomorrow. Nothing like cleaning up cat vomit and paying bills to bring you back to reality. Ha! Something that has been very much in the forefront of my brain these past two weeks is the wonder of life. Spending that time in silence changes the way I see the world. Looking out the window and seeing my daffodils, tulips, and crocuses popping out of the ground this week…it’s a miracle to think that every year they continue to thrive and grow out of a bulb. I’ve been watching a robin decide to build her nest in a tree right beside the living room window where my critters like to hang out and watch the going-ons. Meeting new people this week and after a few minutes just knowing that you’re going to be life long friends. And exploring my inner psyche through hypnosis and developing an understanding of painful events in my life and letting go of the emotions that are no longer serving the higher good. It’s hard work but so worth it! Also making decisions about where I want to invest my energy and time the next few years and then getting validation that I’m moving forward on the right path for me. It’s been quite the two weeks! I love it!