It’s Monday again and I’m coming down from my meditation weekend in New York. I’ve spent the day lounging around the house, doing my meditation homework and chilling out. And my men’s yoga class starts tonight….What a way to introduce the Flower Fairies Card of the Week—Peace! Yoga, meditation, relaxing are all recipes for inner peace! To be honest, if I ever received a grade for meditation, I would flunk. So if any of my lovely instructors are reading this, just act like you never read that. Why would I flunk you ask? Because I find every excuse known to man/woman/children/pets to avoid it, skip it, and/or just ignore that it’s a wonderful tool for my growth, excellent for relaxation, and all that jazz. So what’s my problem? Ha-the million dollar question! To boil it down into a simple answer, I don’t take the time for myself. Even just sitting here writing this, I’ve been up six times because something has distracted me, and I choose to let it, instead of staying focused. Ya know, meditation would so help that…Sigh! I’m a work in progress folks, no claims to perfection here, that’s for sure! The funny thing is, when I do choose to meditate, I love it! I feel relaxed, and settled, and like I can handle things. And I get the most awesome ideas for art! I guess I just need to be kicking myself in the butt, and remember that I am important. It’s like when we know something is great for us, why do we balk so much at doing it? Side note to that, my gym membership is going strong–I’m actually enjoying it and going regularly to the tune of losing twelve pounds! YESSSS!!!!! So, one of my New Year goals for the year is to meditate daily. Since this weekend, I’ve added to that to art journal when I’m done meditating to add to my experience. Any one else up to the challenge with me? My critters are along for the ride on this one–they love it! If we all worked toward sharing peace, how would our world be different? Hmmmm….