I’m back from Camp Chesterfield’s Spirit Fest–what an amazing weekend! Starting with my friend Ruby going with me to be a support, promoter, keep me awake while I’m driving, encourage me to buy all kinds of stuff I can’t live without, you know, all the important stuff! And it’s been decided her title should be B.A. for business assistant…well, actually we decided bad ass was more fitting–tehehe! Love you Ruby! On our four hour trek, we had an interesting conversation about traveling now a days versus when we were kids. We decided we are just getting old! And also that there needs to be an interactive GPS system. Of course it did tell me “You have arrived” which I took as a compliment. Thank you, I think I’m making progress!
On to Camp Chesterfield—I loved it! From walking the labyrinth, to the peaceful grounds, and meeting all the like-minded people, it was a great weekend! The compliments I heard “You’re doing amazing work pushing the joy out there” to “You have beautiful energy here” to “I love this–it’s all very happy!” was great encouragement to keep working my tush off! And I have to say, when people pull a Flower Fairy card to see what their message from the fairies is, I love to watch the reactions! There was a lot of nods and a lot of laughs!
Being in that energy also helped me generate a four page to-do list for the next few weeks–haha! And the entertainment for the end of the trip…I decided I need a healing bench. IKEA has the perfect one, and I can paint it and add my creative touch to it. Packing up from the show and leaving Camp Chesterfield, we would arrive in Columbus with 45 minutes to spare before closing. Now mind you, we had no room in the car to buy anything. None. Zip. However, my time availability to be making the trip down is also zilch. And according to the lovely web, the store had two benches available. We get to IKEA at 8:15. I talked to an associate and ordered my bench, and was checked out and waiting in the holding area by 8:40. If you’ve ever been to IKEA, you know that’s like impossible, especially when my B.A. was wide eyed and being initiated to the store for the first time. As we waited, I said, they are going to come out here and tell me they can’t find it. Ruby laughed. And laughed even harder when 20 minutes later I was told the bench was discontinued and they didn’t have any in the store. I love IKEA–by the time we left, they had went on a wild goose chase, found the bench in Cincinnati, and I just got the Fed Ex notification that it’s being shipped to my house tomorrow. Plenty of time to prep and paint it for the Power Of Her event on October 3rd! It was a good thing, because seriously, there is no way it would have fit in the car! Thank you IKEA!