It’s that Monday time again! Phew–what a weekend! I realized that this was the first weekend since Christmas that I had nothing to do, other than teach my yoga classes on both ends of it. Yippeeeeeee!!! Oh, the choices! The opportunities! The NAPS! YESSSSSSSS!!!!! It was great, two thumbs up, and three naps later! How did you spend your weekend? Actually, I did spend a significant time playing in my flower beds. I even found the perfect spot in my tree to put a little fairy garden–love it! And I even have a new friend outside–a little toad who has made himself known the past two days while I was out there working. Wait a minute…maybe it’s my handsome prince! Finally! Ha–I’ll keep you posted on that one!
So other things I was to keep you posted on…I did “win” my appeal against the health insurance company–the one where they charged me for reading my mammogram..otherwise known as a “free, preventative service”. Yup, rock on sister! It was worth the fight. Also, my working out plan has resulted in 22lbs off–which equivalates to 88 sticks of butter. Yeah!!! However, when I realize it’s been almost 7 months, three yoga classes and at least two trips to the gym a week, no soda, and a complete revised diet, really, that’s all the more I’ve lost? Sigh. Which leads me the Flower Fairy Card of the Week….da-dum…Togetherness of Mind, Body, and Spirit! What a great concept–the whole connection between how our thoughts and beliefs affect our body. It’s all about balance! If you are looking for a great read, I love Louise Hay and her book “You Can Heal Your Life”…it’s all about how our thoughts can manifest in our bodies, and how positive affirmations can make so many good changes. So, I’m affirming to the universe that my excess weight is no longer serving a greater purpose, and my food and exercise nourish my mind, body, and spirit. And that I can have several weekly splurges at Dairy Queen…Amen! Tehehe! Gotta add those Mocha Moolatte’s in here somewhere–a girl has to have her chocolate! Have a splendid week—and some ice cream!